A web site organized by time.

It is kind of a break-down or reduced to the max; if you were ever seeking for a definition for \”weblog\”, Russ Lipton [1] has one: \”A web site organized by time.\”

Personally for me it is an \”aide memoire\”, a place where I can jot down complicated things like wired combinations of \”a-zA-Z\”, \”0-9\” and the like. On the other hand – and I did never check that – I am pretty sure that there are no redundant entries; clarifications, corrections or similar posts excluded. So seen from that point, the weblog does vitalize my brain, while I am writing down these entries. Saying that, the above definition needs to be tuned a bit:

\”A vitalizing aide memoire organized by time.\”

Is there redundancy in the sentence?

[1] http://radio.weblogs.com/0107019/stories/2002/02/12/whatIsAWeblog.html

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